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Best of


Auteur(s)Simon & Garfunkel

Titre(s)Best of / Simon & Garfunkel.

Editeur(s)Sony Music, 2008.

Collection(s)(Version nomade).

ContientThe Sound of Silence (0:00). - Homeward Bound (0:00). - I am a Rock (0:00). - The Dangling Conversation (0:00). - Scarborough Fair/canticle (0:00). - The 59th street bridge song (feelin' groovy) (0:00). - A Hazy Shade of Winter (0:00). - At the Zoo (0:00). - Fakin' it (0:00). - Mrs. Robinson (0:00). - Old Friends (0:00). - The Boxer (0:00). - Bridge Over Troubled Water (0:00). - Cecilia (0:00). - The Only Living Boy in New York (0:00). - Song For the Asking (0:00). - El condor pasa (if i could) (0:00). - For Emily, Whenever i May Find Her (0:00). - America (0:00). - My Little Town (0:00).

NotesThe Sound of Silence. - Homeward Bound. - I am a Rock. - The Dangling Conversation. - Scarborough Fair/canticle. - The 59th street bridge song (feelin' groovy). - A Hazy Shade of Winter. - At the Zoo. - Fakin' it. - Mrs. Robinson. - Old Friends. - The Boxer. - Bridge Over Troubled Water. - Cecilia. - The Only Living Boy in New York. - Song For the Asking. - El condor pasa (if i could). - For Emily, Whenever i May Find Her. - America. - My Little Town. - Sony BMG.

Sujet(s)Folk acoustique


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