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Kid a mnesia

Kid a mnesia

Auteur(s)Radiohead (Artiste de spectacle)

Titre(s)Kid a mnesia [enr. sonore].

Editeur(s)Londres : XL Recordings, 2021.

ContientEverything in its right place. - Kid A. - The national anthem. - How to disappear completely. - Treefingers. - Optimistic. - In limbo. - Idioteque. - Morning bell. - Motion picture soundtrack. - Like spinning plates (Why us ? Version). - Untitled V1. - Fog (Again again version). - If you say the word. - Follow me around. - Pulk/Pull (True love waits version). - Untitled V2. - The morning bell (In the dark version). - Pyramid strings. - Alt. Fast track. - Untitled V3. - How to disappear into strings. - Packt like sardines in a crushd tin box. - Pyramid song. - Pulk/pull revolving doors. - You and whose army ?. - I might be wrong. - Knives out. - Morning bell/Amnesiac. - Dollars and cents. - Hunting bears. - Like spinning plates. - Life in a glasshouse.

Sujet(s)Noisy pop, noisy rock, indie rock


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