Fire it up / Joe Cocker.- Sony Music , 2012.- 1 cd+1 brochure.
Fire it up. - I'll be your doctor. - You love me back. - I come in peace. - You don't need a million dollars. - Eye on the prize. - Younger. - You don't know what you're doing to me. - The letting go. - I'll walk in the sunshine again. - Weight of the world. - Jive. Contient : Fire it up. - I'll be your doctor. - You love me back. - I come in peace. - You don't need a million dollars. - Eye on the prize. - Younger. - You don't know what you're doing to me. - The letting go. - I'll walk in the sunshine again. - Weight of the world.
ISBN 0886919255027 - N° 88691925502 Jive
Variétés internationales
Cocker, Joe (1944-)