Auteur(s)Chapman, Tracy

Titre(s)Crossroads / Tracy Chapman.

Editeur(s)WEA, 1989.

ContientCrossroads (04:14). - Bridges (05:27). - Freedom now (04:05). - Material world (03:05). - Be careful of my heart (04:41). - Subcity (05:14). - Born to fight (02:49). - A hundred years (04:23). - This time (03:43). - All that you have is your soul (05:15).

NotesCrossroads. - Bridges. - Freedom now. - Material world. - Be careful of my heart. - Subcity. - Born to fight. - A hundred years. - This time. - All that you have is your soul. - Elektra.

Sujet(s)Folk acoustique
