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The essential

Auteur(s)Dion, Céline (1968-...)

Titre(s)The essential / Céline Dion.

Editeur(s)Sony Music, 2011.

NotesMy heart will go on. - Think twice. - It's all coming back to me now. - A new day has come. - My love. - taking chance. - That's the way it is. - The power of love. - beacause you loved me. - tell him. - Falling into you. - I drove all night. - i'm alive. - All by myself. - Alone. - Immortality. - Beauty and the beast. - There comes a time. - River deep, mountain high. - One heart. - I'm your angel. - Only one road. - Pour que tu m'aimes encore. - You & I. - To love you more. - Eyes on me. - Have you ever been in love. - The reason. - Seduces me. - The first time ever i saw your face. - Dans with my father. - Misled. - Love can move mountains. - Call the man. - Goodbye's. - The prayer. - Sony Music.

Sujet(s)Variétés internationales


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53200 Château-Gontier