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The fairy queen


Auteur(s)Purcell, Henry (1659-1695) Sampson, Carolyn (soprano) Carwood, Andrew (ténor) Dantone, Ottavio (Dir.) New English Voices Accademia Bizantina

Titre(s)The fairy queen / Henry Purcell ; Carolyn Sampson, soprano ; Andrew Carwood, ténor ; New English Voices ; Accademia Bizantina ; Dir. Ottavio Dantone.

Editeur(s)Abeille Musique Distribution, 2012.

ContientPrelude. - Hornpipe. - Air. - Rondeau. - Overtüre (1. akt). - Come, let us leave the town. - Scene of the drunken poet. - Jig. - Come, all ye songsters (2. akt). - Interlude. - May the god of wit inspire. - Echo. - Now join your warbling voices all. - Sing while we trip it. - See, even night herself is here. - I am come to lock all fast. - One charming night. - Hush, no more, be silent all. - Dance for the followers of night. - Air. - If love's a sweet passion (3. akt). - Symphony while the swans come forward. - Dance for the fairies. - Dance for the green man. - Ye gentle spirits of the air. - Now the maids and the men. - When i have often heard. - Dance of the haymakers. - A thousand, thousand ways. - Hornpipe. - Symphony (4. akt). - Now the night is chas'd away. - Let the fife and the clarions. - Entry of phoebus. - When a cruel, long winter. - Hail! great parent of us all. - Thus the ever grateful spring. - Here's the summer, sprightly, gay. - See my many colour'd fields. - Now winter come slowly. - Hail! great parents of us all. - Air. - Prelude (5. akt). - Thrice happy lovers. - O let me ever, ever weep. - Entry dance. - Symphony. - Thus the gloomy world. - Thus happy and free. - Yes, daphne, in your looks i find. - Monkey's dance. - Hark, how all things. - Hark, the echoing air. - Sure the dull god of marriage. - Prelude. - See, i obey. - Turn then thine eyes. - My torch indeed. - Dance for a chinese man and woman. - They shall be as happy.

NotesPrelude. - Hornpipe. - Air. - Rondeau. - Overtüre (1. akt). - Come, let us leave the town. - Scene of the drunken poet. - Jig. - Come, all ye songsters (2. akt). - Interlude. - May the god of wit inspire. - Echo. - Now join your warbling voices all. - Sing while we trip it. - See, even night herself is here. - I am come to lock all fast. - One charming night. - Hush, no more, be silent all. - Dance for the followers of night. - Air. - If love's a sweet passion (3. akt). - Symphony while the swans come forward. - Dance for the fairies. - Dance for the green man. - Ye gentle spirits of the air. - Now the maids and the men. - When i have often heard. - Dance of the haymakers. - A thousand, thousand ways. - Hornpipe. - Symphony (4. akt). - Now the night is chas'd away. - Let the fife and the clarions. - Entry of phoebus. - When a cruel, long winter. - Hail! great parent of us all. - Thus the ever grateful spring. - Here's the summer, sprightly, gay. - See my many colour'd fields. - Now winter come slowly. - Hail! great parents of us all. - Air. - Prelude (5. akt). - Thrice happy lovers. - O let me ever, ever weep. - Entry dance. - Symphony. - Thus the gloomy world. - Thus happy and free. - Yes, daphne, in your looks i find. - Monkey's dance. - Hark, how all things. - Hark, the echoing air. - Sure the dull god of marriage. - Prelude. - See, i obey. - Turn then thine eyes. - My torch indeed. - Dance for a chinese man and woman. - They shall be as happy. - Brilliant Classics.

Sujet(s)Musique vocale profane


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