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James Bond themes - The complete collection 1962-2008

Auteur(s)Bande Originale De Film

Titre(s)James Bond themes - The complete collection 1962-2008 / Bande Originale De Film.

Editeur(s)Socadisc, 2010.

ContientQuantum of solace. - Casino royale. - Die another day. - The world is not enough. - tomorrow never die. - Goldeneye. - Licence to kill. - The living daylights. - A view to a kill. - Octopussy. - for your eyes only. - Moonraker. - The spy who loved me. - The man with the golden gun. - Live and let die. - Diamonds are forever. - On her majesty's secret service. - you only live twice. - Thunderball. - Goldfinger. - From russia with love. - Dr No.

NotesQuantum of solace. - Casino royale. - Die another day. - The world is not enough. - tomorrow never dies. - Goldeneye. - Licence to kill. - The living daylights. - A view to a kill. - Octopussy. - For your eyes only. - Moonraker. - The spy who loved me. - The man with the golden gun. - Live and let die. - Diamonds are forever. - On her majesty's secret service. - you only live twice. - Thunderball. - Goldfinger. - From russia with love. - Dr No. - United Audio Entertainment.

Sujet(s)Musique concernant une oeuvre filmique


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