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The very best of


Auteur(s)Redding, Otis (1941-1967)

Titre(s)The very best of / Otis Redding.

Editeur(s)WEA, 2000.

ContientRespect (02:11). - Try a little tenderness (03:21). - Love man (02:19). - Shake (02:40). - Mr pitiful (02:43). - I can't turn you loose (02:44). - Pain in my heart (02:25). - You left the water running (02:43). - My lover's prayer (03:11). - Tramp (03:02). - Chained and bound (02:40). - That's how strong my love is (02:24). - My girl (02:56). - Cigarettes and coffee (04:00). - It's growing (02:48). - The match game (02:53). - Nobody knows you (when you're down and out) (03:10). - I'm a changed man (02:23). - Your one and only man (03:12). - (sittin' on) the dock of the bay (02:45). - I've been loving you too long. - These arms of mine. - Hard to handle. - That's what my heart needs. - security. - Satisfaction. - Fa fa fa fa fa. - The happy song. - Come to me. - A change is gonna come. - Lovey dovey. - You don't miss your water. - I've got dreams to remember. - Down in the valley. - Just one more day. - You made a man out of me. - Tell the truth. - For your precious love. - Free me. - I love you more than words can say.

NotesRespect. - Try a little tenderness. - Love man. - Shake. - Mr pitiful. - I can't turn you loose. - Pain in my heart. - You left the water running. - My lover's prayer. - Tramp. - Chained and bound. - That's how strong my love is. - My girl. - Cigarettes and coffee. - It's growing. - The match game. - Nobody knows you (when you're down and out). - I'm a changed man. - Your one and only man. - (sittin' on) the dock of the bay. - Warner Archives.



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53200 Château-Gontier