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Django unchained


Auteur(s)Bande Originale De Film

Titre(s)Django unchained / Bande Originale De Film.

Editeur(s)Universal, 2013.

ContientWinged - russo james. - Django - bacalov luis. - The braying mule - morricone ennio. - "in the case django, after you..." - waltz christoph. - Lo chiamavano king (his name is king) - bacalov luis. - Freedom - hamilton anthony. - Five-thousand-dollar nigga's and gummy mouth bitches - johnson don. - La corsa (2nd version) - bacalov luis. - Sneaky schultz and the demise of sharp - straud don. - I got a name - croce jim. - I giorni dell'ira - ortolani riziero. - 100 black coffins - ross rick. - Nicaragua - goldsmith jerry. - Hildi's hot box - jackson samuel l. - Sister sara's thème - morricone ennio. - Ancora qui - toffoli elisa. - Unchained (the payback / untouchable) - brown james. - Who did that to you? - legend john. - Too old to die young - dege (aka dege legg) brother. - Stephen the poker player - jackson samuel l. - Un monumento - morricone ennio. - Six shots two guns - jackson samuel l. - Trinity (titoli) - e i cantori moderni annibale.

RésuméLe nouveau film de Quentin Tarantino !.

NotesWinged - russo james. - Django - bacalov luis. - The braying mule - morricone ennio. - "in the case django, after you..." - waltz christoph. - Lo chiamavano king (his name is king) - bacalov luis. - Freedom - hamilton anthony. - Five-thousand-dollar nigga's and gummy mouth bitches - johnson don. - La corsa (2nd version) - bacalov luis. - Sneaky schultz and the demise of sharp - straud don. - I got a name - croce jim. - I giorni dell'ira - ortolani riziero. - 100 black coffins - ross rick. - Nicaragua - goldsmith jerry. - Hildi's hot box - jackson samuel l. - Sister sara's thème - morricone ennio. - Ancora qui - toffoli elisa. - Unchained (the payback / untouchable) - brown james. - Who did that to you? - legend john. - Too old to die young - dege (aka dege legg) brother. - Stephen the poker player - jackson samuel l. - Un monumento - morricone ennio. - Six shots two guns - jackson samuel l. - Trinity (titoli) - e i cantori moderni annibale. - Mercury.

Sujet(s)Bandes Originales de films


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