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Best of

Auteur(s)Bangles (The)

Titre(s)Best of / Bangles (The).

Editeur(s)Sony Music, 1999.

ContientWalk Like an Egyptian. - If She Knew What She Wants. - In Your Room. - James. - More Than Meets the Eye. - Not Like you. - All About you. - Hero Takes a Fall. - Complicated Girl. - Let it go. - Live. - September Gurls. - Some Dreams Come True. - Waiting For you. - Watching the Sky. - I'll Set you Free. - Manic Monday. - Eternal Flame.

NotesWalk Like an Egyptian. - If She Knew What She Wants. - In Your Room. - James. - More Than Meets the Eye. - Not Like you. - All About you. - Hero Takes a Fall. - Complicated Girl. - Let it go. - Live. - September Gurls. - Some Dreams Come True. - Waiting For you. - Watching the Sky. - I'll Set you Free. - Manic Monday. - Eternal Flame. - Columbia.

Sujet(s)Rock et variétés internationales apparentées


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prêt normalCDChâteau-GontierEspace loisirsMusique2.2 BANen rayonplan


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Médiathèque du Pays de Château-Gontier

32 avenue Carnot
53200 Château-Gontier