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Le Hobbit : Un voyage inattendu


Auteur(s)Shore, Howard (1946-...)

Titre(s)Le Hobbit : Un voyage inattendu / Howard Shore.

Editeur(s)Universal, 2012.

ContientMy dear frodo. - Old friends. - An unexpected party. - Axe or sword?. - Misty mountains - armitage richard. - The adventure begins. - The world is ahead. - An ancient enemy. - Radagast the brown. - Roast mutton. - A troll-hoard. - The hill of sorcery. - Warg-scouts. - The hidden valley. - Moon runes. - The defiler. - The white council. - Over hill. - A thunder battle. - Under hill. - Riddles in the dark. - Brass buttons. - Out of the frying-pan. - A good omen. - Song of the lonely mountain - finn neil. - Dreaming of bag end. - Dreaming of bag end.

NotesMy dear frodo. - Old friends. - An unexpected party. - Axe or sword?. - Misty mountains - armitage richard. - The adventure begins. - The world is ahead. - An ancient enemy. - Radagast the brown. - Roast mutton. - A troll-hoard. - The hill of sorcery. - Warg-scouts. - The hidden valley. - Moon runes. - The defiler. - The white council. - Over hill. - A thunder battle. - Under hill. - Riddles in the dark. - Brass buttons. - Out of the frying-pan. - A good omen. - Song of the lonely mountain - finn neil. - Dreaming of bag end. - Dreaming of bag end. - Decca.

Sujet(s)Bandes Originales de films


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prêt normalCDChâteau-GontierEspace loisirsMusique6.1 HOBen rayonplan


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53200 Château-Gontier