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The best of 25 years


Auteur(s)Sting (1951-...)

Titre(s)The best of 25 years / Sting.

Editeur(s)Universal, 2011.

ContientWhen we dance (05:59). - I was brought to my senses (05:49). - You still touch me (03:48). - I'm so happy i can't stop crying (03:58). - Desert rose (04:51). - Brand new day (06:20). - Send your love (dave aude remix) (03:16). - Whenever i say your name (05:25). - Stolen car (take me dancing) (03:57). - End of the game (06:08). - Never coming home (05:21). - Russians (live) (04:53). - Message in a bottle (live) (04:48). - Demolition man (live) (04:27). - Heavy cloud no rain (live) (03:43). - If you love somebody set them free (04:24). - Love is the seventh wave (03:33). - Moon over bourbon street (04:01). - Fortress around your heart (04:52). - Englishman in new york (04:26). - They dance alone (07:13). - Fragile (03:54). - We'll be together (04:46). - All this time (04:55). - Mad about you (03:54). - Why should i cry for you (04:46). - The soul cages (05:52). - If i ever lose my faith in you (04:28). - Fields of gold (03:39). - Seven days (04:39). - Shape of my heart (04:37).

NotesWhen we dance. - I was brought to my senses. - You still touch me. - I'm so happy i can't stop crying. - Desert rose. - Brand new day. - Send your love (dave aude remix). - Whenever i say your name. - Stolen car (take me dancing). - End of the game. - Never coming home. - Russians (live). - Message in a bottle (live). - Demolition man (live). - Heavy cloud no rain (live). - If you love somebody set them free. - Love is the seventh wave. - Moon over bourbon street. - Fortress around your heart. - Englishman in new york. - They dance alone. - Fragile. - We'll be together. - All this time. - Mad about you. - Why should i cry for you. - The soul cages. - If i ever lose my faith in you. - Fields of gold. - Seven days. - Shape of my heart. - A&M.



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Source : Last FM


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