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Slavery in America

Titre(s)Slavery in America [enr. sonore] : redemption songs 1914-1972 : Musiques issues de l'esclavage aux Amériques / Lulua Men ; Oscar Brown ; Max Roach... [et al.].

Editeur(s)Frémeaux & associés, 2014.

ContientKabondo musambo wa changachanga. - Chant d'invitation à la danse. - Bid 'em in. - Driva' man. - How come me here ?. - The slave. - Before the sun goes down. - Early in the mornin'. - Song of the cotton field. - Old Alabama. - Carrie Belle. - Working man. - M'pas bwè m'pas mangé. - The buzzard lope. - Hard times in Ol' Virginia. - Say boss man. - Bagai sala que pochery moin. - Don't break it I say. - L' été. - John Canoe music. - To-wa-bac-a-way, the indian race. - Bamboula / Danse des nègres, op. 2. - Macumba de Oxossi. - La famille li fait ça/Ibo dance song. - Voodoo blues. - Coté yo, coté yo/Mais dance song. - Tele mina for Chango. - If death has power. - Zombie jamboree. - This little light of mine. - Moses. - Better day a-coming. - Turkle dove. - Live humble. - Summertime / Sometimes I feel like a motherless child. - Massa's in the cold cold ground. - Shadrack. - March on. - See aunt Dinah. - Link o'day. - The underground railroad. - Abolitionist hymn. - Marching song - Of the first Arkansas negro regiment. - Lincoln and liberty. - Babylon gone. - Freedom. - Freedom day. - Free. - The great grandfather. - Chain gang. - Prettiest train. - Work song. - Jim crow. - Ol' man river. - Mardi Gras in New Orleans. - Another man done gone. - Levee camp blues. - How long must I be your slave. - Dry bones in the valley. - Babylon did it. - Swing low sweet chariot. - Go down moses. - Two wings. - We believe in the god of Ethiopia. - Going home to Zion land. - Don't rock the boat. - Marching up to Zion. - I'm going back to Africa. - Liberia. - We'll anchor bye and bye. - You got to move. - Don't turn me from your door.

NotesSoul Bag No.217 p.71 du 29/12/2014. 5/5.

Sujet(s)Chansons de travail Esclavage Jazz Gospel Blues


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