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[The] story of the little Mole who knew it was none of his business

Auteur(s)Holzwarth, Werner (Auteur) Erlbruch, Wolf (1948-...)

Titre(s)[The] story of the little Mole who knew it was none of his business / Werner Holzwarth, Wolf Erlbruch.

Editeur(s)Londres : Pavilion chlidren's, 1994.

RésuméA terrible catastrophe befalls the little mole one bright, sunny morning. When he looks out of his hole—PLOP! Something that looks just like a sausage lands on his head. Whodunit? Our little hero sets out to find who has left their business on his head. In the end, with the help of some flies, Little Mole gets his revenge.

Lien(s)Traduit de : De la petite taupe qui voulait savoir qui lui avait fait sur la tête.


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