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Out of africa


Auteur(s)Bande Originale de Film

Titre(s)Out of africa / Bande Originale de Film.

Editeur(s)Universal, 2009.

ContientMain title (i had a farm in africa) (00:00). - I'm Better at Hello (00:00). - Have you got a story for me? (00:00). - Concerto For Clarinet & Orchestra in a (00:00). - Safari (00:00). - Karen's Journey - Siyawe (00:00). - Flying Over Africa (00:00). - I Had a Compass From Denys (00:00). - Alone on the Farm (00:00). - Let the Rest of the World go by (00:00). - If I Know a Song of Africa (00:00). - End title (you are karen) (00:00).

RésuméMUSIC BY JOHN BARRY (Dutch import).

NotesMain title (i had a farm in africa). - I'm Better at Hello. - Have you got a story for me?. - Concerto For Clarinet & Orchestra in a. - Safari. - Karen's Journey - Siyawe. - Flying Over Africa. - I Had a Compass From Denys. - Alone on the Farm. - Let the Rest of the World go by. - If I Know a Song of Africa. - End title (you are karen). - Geffen*.

Sujet(s)Bandes Originales de films


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prêt normalCDChâteau-GontierEspace loisirsMusique6.1 OUTen rayonplan


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