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Auteur(s)Bande Originale De Film Martinez, Cliff

Titre(s)Drive / Cliff Martinez.

Editeur(s)Wagram, 2011.

ContientKavinsky - nightcall (feat. lovefoxxx) (04:21). - Desire - under your spell (03:54). - College - a real hero (feat. electric youth) (04:29). - Riz ortolani - oh my love (feat. katyna ranieri) (02:52). - Chromatics - tick of the clock (04:50). - Rubber head (03:10). - I drive (02:05). - He had a good time (01:39). - They broke his pelvis (02:00). - Kick your teeth (02:42). - Where's the deluxe version? (05:34). - See you in four (02:39). - After the chase (05:27). - Hammer (04:46). - Wrong floor (01:33). - Skull crushing (05:59). - My name on a car (02:20). - On the beach (06:37). - Bride of deluxe (03:57).

NotesKavinsky - nightcall (feat. lovefoxxx). - Desire - under your spell. - College - a real hero (feat. electric youth). - Riz ortolani - oh my love (feat. katyna ranieri). - Chromatics - tick of the clock. - Rubber head. - I drive. - He had a good time. - They broke his pelvis. - Kick your teeth. - Where's the deluxe version?. - See you in four. - After the chase. - Hammer. - Wrong floor. - Skull crushing. - My name on a car. - On the beach. - Bride of deluxe. - Record Makers.

Sujet(s)Bandes Originales de films


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Source : Last FM


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