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Raised on blues


Auteur(s)Winter, Johnny

Titre(s)Raised on blues / Johnny Winter.

Editeur(s)Dom, 2008.

ContientGoing Down (0:00). - Leavin' Blues (0:00). - Kind Hearted Woman (0:00). - Low Down Gal of Mine (0:00). - Avocado Green (0:00). - Thirty-two, Twenty Blues (0:00). - Look up (0:00). - Prodigal Son (0:00). - Out on a Limb (0:00). - Parchman Farm (0:00). - Out of Sight (0:00). - Bad News (0:00). - Stranger Blues (0:00). - Let the Music Play (0:00). - Self Destruction Blues (0:00). - Raised on Rock (0:00). - Rock & Roll People (0:00). - Golden Days of Rock & Roll (0:00). - Hoochie Koo (0:00). - Introduction (0:00). - Mean Town Blues (0:00). - Black Cat Bone (0:00). - Mean Mistreater (0:00). - Mama Talk to Your Daughter (0:00). - Look up (0:00). - I Can Love you Baby (0:00). - Take my Choice (0:00). - We go Back Quite a Ways (0:00).

NotesGoing Down. - Leavin' Blues. - Kind Hearted Woman. - Low Down Gal of Mine. - Avocado Green. - Thirty-two, Twenty Blues. - Look up. - Prodigal Son. - Out on a Limb. - Parchman Farm. - Out of Sight. - Bad News. - Stranger Blues. - Let the Music Play. - Self Destruction Blues. - Raised on Rock. - Rock & Roll People. - Golden Days of Rock & Roll. - Hoochie Koo. - Introduction. - Mean Town Blues. - Black Cat Bone. - Mean Mistreater. - Mama Talk to Your Daughter. - Look up. - I Can Love you Baby. - Take my Choice. - We go Back Quite a Ways. - Mausoleum.



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