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James Bond 007 : Skyfall


Auteur(s)Newman, Thomas (1955-)

Titre(s)James Bond 007 : Skyfall / Thomas Newman.

Editeur(s)Sony Music, 2012.

ContientGrand bazaar, istanbul. - Voluntary retirement. - New digs. - Severine. - Brave new world. - Shanghai drive. - Jellyfish. - Silhouette. - Modigliani. - Day wasted. - Quartermaster. - Someone usually dies. - Komodo dragon. - The bloody shot. - Enjoying death. - The chimera. - Close shave. - Health & safety. - Granborough road. - Tennyson. - Enquiry. - Breadcrumbs. - Skyfall. - Kill them first. - Welcome to scotland. - She's mine. - The moors. - Deep water. - Mother. - Adrenaline.

NotesGrand bazaar, istanbul. - Voluntary retirement. - New digs. - Severine. - Brave new world. - Shanghai drive. - Jellyfish. - Silhouette. - Modigliani. - Day wasted. - Quartermaster. - Someone usually dies. - Komodo dragon. - The bloody shot. - Enjoying death. - The chimera. - Close shave. - Health & safety. - Granborough road. - Tennyson. - Enquiry. - Breadcrumbs. - Skyfall. - Kill them first. - Welcome to scotland. - She's mine. - The moors. - Deep water. - Mother. - Adrenaline. - Jive.

Sujet(s)Bandes Originales de films


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prêt normalCDChâteau-GontierEspace loisirsMusique6.1 SKYen rayonplan


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Source : Last FM


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