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Over the years...

Auteur(s)Nash, Graham

Titre(s)Over the years... [enr. sonore] / Graham Nash.

Editeur(s)Rhino Entertainment, 2018.

ContientMarrakesh express. - Military madness. - Immigration man. - Just a song before I go. - I used to be a king. - Better days. - Simple man. - Teach your children. - Lady of the island. - Wind on the water. - Our house. - Cathedral. - Wasted on the way. - Chicago/We can change the world. - Myself at last. - Marrakesh express - Demo. - Horses through a rainstorm - Demo. - Teach your children - Demo. - Pre-road downs - Demo. - Our house - Demo. - Right between the eyes - Demo. - Sleep song - Demo. - Chicago - Demo. - Man in the mirror - Demo. - Simple man - Demo. - I miss you - Demo. - You'll never be the same - Demo. - Wind on the water - Demo. - Just a song before I go - Demo. - Wasted on the way - Demo.

RésuméCette anthologie double CD de 30 titres regroupe les chansons marquantes de l'artiste et inclut de nombreuses démos et des mixes inédits. Sur le CD 1, figurent parmi les incontournables de Graham Nash certaines chansons du premier album de CSN (Marrakesh express, Lady of the island), du suivant Déjà vu enregistré avec Neil Young (Our house, Teach your children), d'autres issus des albums suivants de CSN (Just a song before I go, Wasted on the way), ainsi que des extraits de son premier album solo (Military madness et Simple man) et des mixes inédits (Better days, I used to be king). Le CD 2 délivre 15 démos, dont 12 inédites parmi lesquelles la maquette de Marrakesh express et les premières versions de Our house, Wasted on the way, Pre-road downs, Teach your children, I miss you, You'll never be the same et Horses through a rainstorm...

NotesRollingStone No.106 p.85 du 05/07/2018. 4/5. - Rock & Folk No.612 p.75 du 08/08/2018.

Sujet(s)Folk-rock : Etats-Unis : 1970-1979


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