Auteur(s)Pink Floyd (Musicien)

Titre(s)Endless river (The) [enr. sonore].

Editeur(s)2014 : Pink Floyd, 2014.

ContientThings left unsaid. - It's what we do. - Ebb and flow. - Sum. - Skins. - Unsung. - Anisina. - The lost art of conversation. - On noodle street. - Night light. - Allons-y (1). - Autumn. - Allons-y (2). - Talkin' hawkin'. - Calling. - Eyes to pearls. - Surfacing. - Louder than words.

NotesRock & Folk No.568 p.80 du 18/11/2014. 1/5.

Sujet(s)Planant, symphonique
