Auteur(s)Miss Kittin

Titre(s)Calling from the stars / Miss Kittin.

Editeur(s)Wagram, 2013.

ContientFlash forward (04:49). - Come into my house (06:11). - Bassline (03:36). - Calling from the stars (04:45). - Life is my teacher (04:27). - Maneki neko (02:49). - What to wear (03:34). - Night of light (04:47). - Tears like kisses (03:00). - Eleven (03:19). - Blue grass (04:30). - See you (04:02). - Everybody hurts (04:19). - Only you (05:03). - Cosmic love radiation (04:51). - Tamarin bay (06:57). - Sunset mission (05:38). - Mind stretching (04:39). - Ballad of the 23rd century (05:14). - What you see (03:49). - Sortie des artistes (02:17). - Silver lake (05:20). - I don't know how to move (07:28).


Sujet(s)Musiques électroniques
