Auteur(s)Springsteen, Bruce (1949-...) (Compositeur)

Titre(s)Letter to you [enr. sonore].

Editeur(s)New York : Columbia Records, 2020.

ContientOne minute you're here. - Letter to you. - Burnin' train. - Janey needs a shooter. - Last man standing. - The power of prayer. - House of a thousand guitars. - Rainmaker. - If I was the priest. - Ghosts. - Songs for orphans. - I'll see you in my dreams.

NotesTextes des chansons. - Télérama No.3693 p.61 du 21/10/2020. 3/4. - Rock & Folk No.639 p.68 du 27/10/2020. 4/5. - RollingStone No.127 p.77 du 02/11/2020. 5/5.

