Auteur(s)Springsteen, Bruce (1949-...) (Compositeur) Moore, Sam (1935-...) (Chanteur)

Titre(s)Only the strong survive [enr. sonore].

Editeur(s)New York : Columbia Records, 2022.

ContientOnly the strong survive. - Soul days. - Nightshift. - Do I love you (Indeed I do). - The sun ain't gonna shine anymore. - Turn back the hands of time. - When she was my girl. - Hey, western union man. - I wish it would rain. - Don't play that song. - Any other way. - I forgot to be your lover. - 7 rooms of gloom. - What becomes of the brokenhearted. - Someday we'll be together.

NotesTélérama No.3800 p.63 du 08/11/2022. 3/4. - Rock & Folk No.664 p.64 du 28/11/2022. 4/5. - Dans la playlist de France Inter de Octobre 2022. 20/20.

Sujet(s)Blues rock, boogie rock, rock sudiste
