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Sonates pour violon solo et piano


Auteur(s)Bartok, Béla (1881-1945) Faust, Isabelle (violon) Kupiec, Ewa (piano) Boffard, Florent (piano)

Titre(s)Sonates pour violon solo et piano / Béla Bartok ; Isabelle Faust, violon ; Ewa Kupiec, piano ; Florent Boffard, piano.

Editeur(s)Harmonia Mundi, 2010.

Collection(s)(Harmonia Mundi Gold).

ContientI faust [vn] - violion sonata sz 117 - i tempo di ciaccona (11:42). - I faust [vn] - ii fuga (05:02). - I faust [vn] - iii melodia (08:26). - I faust [vn] - iv presto (05:59). - I faust [vn], e kupiec [pf] - sonata for violin & piano sz 75 - i allegro appassionato (14:23). - I faust [vn], e kupiec [pf] - ii adagio (12:47). - I faust [vn], e kupiec [pf] - iii allegro (10:32). - Fire (08:23). - Hangover days (11:30). - Brownie hawkeye (04:11). - We all lose one another (05:40). - Parry sound (04:34). - I'll bring the sun (06:06). - Tinsel and sawdust (01:12). - Feral republic (00:27). - Pavement puddle stars (01:13). - Almost summer (01:20). - Pink night (00:31). - These are the days (00:51).

NotesI faust [vn] - violion sonata sz 117 - i tempo di ciaccona. - I faust [vn] - ii fuga. - I faust [vn] - iii melodia. - I faust [vn] - iv presto. - I faust [vn], e kupiec [pf] - sonata for violin & piano sz 75 - i allegro appassionato. - I faust [vn], e kupiec [pf] - ii adagio. - I faust [vn], e kupiec [pf] - iii allegro. - Fire. - Hangover days. - Brownie hawkeye. - We all lose one another. - Parry sound. - I'll bring the sun. - Tinsel and sawdust. - Feral republic. - Pavement puddle stars. - Almost summer. - Pink night. - These are the days. - Harmonia Mundi.

Sujet(s)Musique de chambre


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