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Music for a hidden chapel : Messes à 5 voix


Auteur(s)Byrd, William (1540-1623) Ensemble Chanticleer

Titre(s)Music for a hidden chapel : Messes à 5 voix / William Byrd ; Ensemble Chanticleer.

Editeur(s)Harmonia Mundi, 2004.

Collection(s)(Classical Express).

ContientPropers for the mass of easter day, for 5 voices (gradualia, book 2) (18:27). - Regina coeli, motet for 3 voices (sat) (06:49). - Propers for the mass of the assumption of the blessed virgin mary, for 5 voices (gradualia, book 1) (16:58). - Ave regina caelorum, motet for 4 voices (satb) (04:33). - Salve regina, motet for 4 voices (satb) (05:04).

NotesPropers for the mass of easter day, for 5 voices (gradualia, book 2). - Regina coeli, motet for 3 voices (sat). - Propers for the mass of the assumption of the blessed virgin mary, for 5 voices (gradualia, book 1). - Ave regina caelorum, motet for 4 voices (satb). - Salve regina, motet for 4 voices (satb). - Harmonia Mundi.

Sujet(s)Messe, partie de messe : Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei, Credo


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