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Le roi lion


Auteur(s)Bande Originale De Film

Titre(s)Le roi lion / Bande Originale De Film.

Editeur(s)EMI, 2011.

ContientHe lives in you. - Circle of life. - Lea halalela. - Upendi. - Busa. - One of us. - Love will find a way. - Can you feel the love tonight. - We are one. - One by one. - It's time. - Noyana (a traditional african folk song). - In youpendi. - Be prepared. - He lives in you. - My lullaby. - Hakuna matata. - I just can't wait to be king. - The lion sleeps tonight.

NotesHe lives in you. - Circle of life. - Lea halalela. - Upendi. - Busa. - One of us. - Love will find a way. - Can you feel the love tonight. - We are one. - One by one. - It's time. - Noyana (a traditional african folk song). - In youpendi. - Be prepared. - He lives in you. - My lullaby. - Hakuna matata. - I just can't wait to be king. - The lion sleeps tonight. - EMI.

Sujet(s)Bandes Originales de films


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prêt normalCDChâteau-GontierEspace loisirsMusique6.1 ROIen rayonplan


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Source : Last FM


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32 avenue Carnot
53200 Château-Gontier