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Harry Potter et la chambre des secrets (Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets) - music from and inspired by the motion picture


Auteur(s)Williams, John (compositeur)

Titre(s)Harry Potter et la chambre des secrets (Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets) - music from and inspired by the motion picture / John (compositeur) Williams.

Editeur(s)WEA, 2002.

ContientPrologue: book ii and the escape from the dursleys (03:31). - Fawkes the phoenix (03:45). - The chamber of secrets (03:49). - Gilderoy lockhart (02:05). - The flying car (04:08). - Knockturn alley (01:47). - Introducing colin (01:49). - The dueling club (04:08). - Dobby the house elf (03:27). - The spiders (04:32). - Moaning myrtle (02:05). - Meeting aragog (03:18). - Fawkes is reborn (03:19). - Meeting tom riddle (03:38). - Cornish pixies (02:13). - Polyjuice potion (03:52). - Cakes for crabbe and goyle (03:30). - Dueling the basilisk (05:02). - Reunion of friends (05:08). - Harry's wondrous world (05:02).

NotesPrologue: book ii and the escape from the dursleys. - Fawkes the phoenix. - The chamber of secrets. - Gilderoy lockhart. - The flying car. - Knockturn alley. - Introducing colin. - The dueling club. - Dobby the house elf. - The spiders. - Moaning myrtle. - Meeting aragog. - Fawkes is reborn. - Meeting tom riddle. - Cornish pixies. - Polyjuice potion. - Cakes for crabbe and goyle. - Dueling the basilisk. - Reunion of friends. - Harry's wondrous world. - East West.

Sujet(s)Musiques "inspirées par" un film, Ré-interprétation de musiques originales


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